Thursday, October 28, 2010

Go San Francisco Giants - Jeremy Affeldt dealing with Adversity

Meet Jeremy Affeldt. Relief pitcher for the San Francisco Giants in the World Series. Local Spokanite also. As impressive as pitching at the pro level or on a World Series team is to everyone, learning to trust the Lord and depend on Him in trials and adversity is far more impressive...if you ask me.

The video below is Jeremy sharing what God has taught him while He was on the Disabled List. Great testimony of God's graciousness and Fatherly Love.

Go Jer! Go Giants!!!

(HT: Jeremy's Blog)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A place of 'BIG NEEDS'

I was having a conversation with a gal at the office today and she mentioned that she had just attended a World Vision sponsorship luncheon and she and her husband and daughter are going to help a child with a goat, some milk, clothes, etc.
 She asked which country we had adopted Ezra from. I was able to tell her Ethiopia. She explained she really wanted to pick a country with 'some big needs'.

I am grateful for this conversation and it was a good reminder that every story, every photo, every video, every trip helps people understand the way life outside our American 'dreamland' is really like.

So, to you bloggers out, help others understand what life is like outside middle class america and that there are 'BIG NEEDS' everywhere.

P.S. I am getting really excited to go to Ethiopia (Though we don't know yet when we will be traveling). Getting outside the U.S. (and my neighborhood) is important to is life-changing...especially if you go to a 3rd-world country.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Meet the Williamson's - Bible Translators in Ethiopia

* I have never met this couple, but they are friends with my cousin and they attended Moody Bible Institute together. I didn't know that until I looked at my cousin's facebook page and saw some pictures.
* I ran across their blog today, I forget how I got there. Blog Linkage I guess.
* They are doing language translation work in Ethiopia!!! This is the 1st couple I have 'met'/read about/etc that is doing this type of work in Ethiopia.
* Pray for them, Learn more about their work, etc.
* Here is the link to their blog: Travis & Andrea Williamson

                       Link to Post with Picture: First Brushes with GMZ language

                                   Link to Post with Picture: Night Birds and Stones

                                          Link with Post to Picture: The Great Pumpkin

Go read about them. Maybe when we go to Ethiopia we could even get together with them and learn more about them. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Photos Matter


I read about this on a blog yesterday and felt it was important to pass along. Pictures are life-changing.

Jennifer Rego:
  For myself, the power of the photograph is precisely that it is the reminder that I need that defending the unborn is not simply “a cause”, or an “issue”, because people are not causes or issue, they unique, unrepeatable human beings that I have a relationship with simply because we both share our human dignity, and it is simply because of that, that I have an obligation to defend them.

P.S. For all those photographers out there...take photos that can/will change the world, for the good, for the helpless, for the fatherless, for the unborn. Photos Matter!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our Adoption Referral

A little Background
On the morning of October 1st, 2010, we were sitting down for breakfast and I leaned over to Heidi and asked, 'I wonder when our agency is going to call us? Maybe our specifications for a child are too narrow (boy, under 6 months old)? Heidi graciously replied, 'Dustin, the Lord knows the situation and His timing is perfect.'

October 1st was also Heidi's birthday!!! This was a great birthday gift!

I was headed out to leave for work and she had picked up her phone and realized that she had a voicemail from our adoption agency caseworker....which we know only means 1 thing...a referral.

Heidi talked with our caseworker and sure enough, it was referral day!

His current name on the paperwork: 'Musse Unknown' (When there is the word 'unknown', it means that there is no record of the father and mother. Very similar to Ezra's story, a police officer came across 'Musse' and brought him to the orphanage. He was 5 days old when the officer found him and directly came into the orphanage. He was/is extremely malnourished and in need of good care quickly. Before Musse would be available for referral, he needed to be at the orphanage in the village/town for 2 months, in case anyone in the area claimed him as their son or relative in any way. So, in mid-September, Musse was legally/officially ready to be adopted.

What does the name Musse mean???
The name if pronounced "MooSAY" and the English equivalent to 'Moses'.

Some might think he was 'abandoned' but if you are unfamiliar with the vast poverty, famine, etc. you will realize that he was really being set free for an opportunity for life and survival. The mother of Moses in the Bible loved him without a shadow of a doubt, but knew his life was in extreme danger if she didn't act and do something. In the same way, this biological mother, who we will never meet in this life, did so for Musse.

The Lord has answered countless prayers thus far and we look forward to continuing to see him answer many prayers.

What is the next step?
Our agency applies for a court date and then we travel. Hard to say exactly when that will be...but probably sometime in December or early January.

Can you put some pictures online?
We cannot until Musse is legally our son. Sorry.

It is October 13th and you got the referral on October 1st...why so long in sharing information?
Our agency STRONGLY encourages all adoptive families to take photos, medical information, etc. to a pediatrician or a pediatrician specializing in adoption situations. So we did that and felt it was important to wait until all that information was taken care of prior to broadcasting it across the world via our blog.

Do you have questions?
We know there are those out there that are considering adoption, are in process and confused, or have a host of other questions. No guarantee we'd be able to answer them, but we'll provide an open ear if that is what you need. Feel free to go to the Contact Us page if desired.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ezra makes us smile and laugh in many ways. Below are two ways he makes us smile and be full of laughter. He loves to sing and he loves to dance.

Ezra dancing to 'Very Superstitious'

Thursday, October 7, 2010

If you ever want/need to Contact Us

Lately, we have started to get about 1 inquiry a day related to adoption/orphan care/foster care.

We love being a resource however the Lord might allow us to be.

We want to remove any barrier toward not being open to below is the best way to contact us.

Email: (If you have questions specific for Heidi, it will be forwarded to her)


Dustin Phone: 509-435-1107

Heidi Phone: 509-435-3089

Facebook: Dustin Greenup

Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader trailer:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Francis Chan sermon on Pride, Humility, Loving Christ and Loving Others

Francis Chan's sermon at the Desiring God National Conference. Watch and be changed.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meet Missy from "It's Almost Naptime"

Meet Missy - She blogs at It's Almost Naptime

I don't even remember how Heidi and I ran across her blog, but once we did, we were hooked. In short, she is poignant, HILARIOUS, advocate of the orphan, real, transparent, loves the Lord and a great writer.

The Together For Adoption conference was the past weekend in Austin, TX. Go to their website to learn more. Hopefully some audio, video, and other resources might be available soon.

Missy did go and she does a great job helping summarize the Theology of Adoption.

Take a read -  Theology of Adoption

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I don't want my children to be happy (Summarizing dealing with questions regarding adopting and how it will keep you from being able to pay for college for your other children.)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Young Ladies Helping Hudson Home

* A month or two ago, some young ladies contacted us about wanting to do a fundraiser to raise funds to help bring our son Hudson home.

* At first they wanted to do a car wash, but that didn't work out.

* So, they decided to do an event in which families could drop off their young children for a few hours while the parents went on a date for several hours.

* These young ladies are incredibly intuitive, innovative, passionate, and caring.

* The event went over very well and 4 families dropped their kids off for a few hours while the parents went on a date event.

* They didn't just 'watch' the younger kids and put them in front of a TV, they taught the younger children. They did crafts with them, help teach them about Jesus & His resurrection. It was a

* I talked with their mom and the mom explained how the girls came up with the idea by themselves and it was from their desire that this idea was born.

* About a week later, we received a note in the mail from them and a cashier's check for $205.17.

* We were completely humbled by this $200+ donation, but even more than the actual $$$ amount, was the heart that these young ladies put into the event to help us get our son home.

* These young ladies used their God-given creativity to give of their time and expertise (teaching and training younger children) to help us raise funds to complete our adoption.

* To everyone involved, in this both in the young ladies who ran the event, the parents who helped them, and the parents who dropped their kids off...THANK YOU!!!!

Adoption From Rwanda

A friend (Mark & Alison Struska- who are currently adopting from Burundi) linked to the blog below to a family who is currently adopting from Rwanda.
Both The Struska's blog and The McClennan Family blog are very encouraging.

McClennan's blog
Embraced by Grace

Meet the McAlpine's...rejoicing in the Lord

Meet Clinton & Amanda McApline: I love the name of their blog: 'Walk by Faith - seeking joy over happiness while waiting in the darkness.' Beautiful.

This past weekend they had an Adoption Fundraiser in Minneapolis, MN.

Please is a very encouraging post. CLICK HERE

Pray for them also. They are waiting for a referral of a sibling group from Ethiopia. Waiting is hard, but good.

Friday, October 1, 2010

My wife's Birthday!

Jesus has been so good to redeem us, change us and sanctify us. Heidi has been/is/will continue to be a priceless gift from God in my life and the life of our children, and others God sovereignly has her touch with her life.

She is...

Robert Huggins Photography
Eager to serve
Intoxicating - :) Check the book of Proverbs for what I mean by this
Jesus Lover - She knows that God has forgiven her and made her His own, thus she loves Him.
Kind -
Quiet spirit
Unlike any other
Yearns - know the Lord, to walk intimately with him, to serve her family & others.
Zealous -

Together For Adoption Conference - Livestream

Pray for this conference, read about it, watch the livestream of the event.